Thursday, March 20, 2008

finally got to go riding

So i finally got to go riding the other day and man, was it freakin AWESOME. i rode 31.5 miles total and it was so great.
I could go riding alot more if I was comfortable doing it at night..which i'm not, for one main reason.. I have NO reflective gear, and i'm NOT going out without reflective gear. I've been scouring the internet looking for stuff and came across some usefull information on reflective safetly and night riding.
One of the greatest causes of death or injury, and the leading mortality factor for motorcyclists, is not being seen by other cars. Many people have died simply because they didn't see us. It's not that people in cars can't see us, they don't see us.
seriously, when your driving in your car, you look left, look right, then go. what you look for is 2 bright lights, and most of the time if you only see one, it doesn't register in your mind to 'wait' because your mind is saying 'it's not a car, it's ok to go'.
when you have reflective gear on, other cars see you and go 'wtf is that?' and it makes them look longer and harder and realize what is right in front of their face.
seriously, would you see this if you were driving a car?
or would you be more likely to see if someone was wearing one of these
or if their bike was covered in reflective tape? (i couldn't find an actual motorcycle with reflective tape on it, so i have to use a bicycle to prove my point)
i guess i'll just have to take pics of my bike after i get some reflective decals.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Sad Day..

Today is an unexpectedly sad day. The mustang has been sold! I didn't think I would have any emotion other than "yay, that honkin piece of car is out of the yard!", but seeing it being driven down the road by someone other than greg makes me a little sad. That was the car that I first saw greg in, and thats what car he was in when he first saw me. We spend numerous hours in the mustang just driving around, having fun, and other things. I can't really express how i feel now that it's gone, it's kind of nostalgic, but i know that we will make new memories on the motorcycles, and that we're just begining a new chapter of our lives (vehicle-wise).
I know greg is a little sad too, but he has about 500lbs of consolation between his legs everyday to and from work! haha!
But on the upside, we get to park the bikes in the carport now!! woot woot!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The motorcycle Permit Test

Greg got to take the motorcycle permit test a couple weeks ago, and he failed the first time, but passed the second. I was supposed to get mine this past monday, but ended up getting it on wednsday instead. I figured it would take me 2-3 tries to get it since greg had to do it twice, it would take me more times to get it (cause we all know i'm not the brightest crayon in the box), so i got the book and read it front to back and did all the test questions. i felt fairly confident, but wasn't expected to do extremely well.
I had my appointment at 2, I got there at 1:30 and I totally ROCKED the test! i passed on my first try, and did it under ten minutes! i was actually out of the dmv before my appointment time! how freakin awesome?! i didn't have to pay the 5 bucks either! so that was my boost of confidence for the day.
so watch out everyone, tiff's on the road with a crotch rocket!! lol

on a crappier Chase is sick and puked all over my couch yesterday! yea, that was some major fun cleaning that up! He is alot more cuddlier when he's sick, so we layed on the floor almost all day and just watched cartoons and snuggled. The only bad thing about him being sick is he is sooo freakin whinny! i guess he really does take after me. :)

Seriously, this is FLORIDA, so WHY is it so freakin cold?! screw global warming, it's not real, it's FREEZING!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

for those celebratards..

WTH is wrong with britney spears?!
so she was admited to the hospital and then was released in less than a week, which is great that she got SOME help, i just think she needs MORE. and speaking of 'help', her pimp/manager/drug dealer friend 'osama' has admited to giving her prescription 'cocktail' drugs! shouldn't he be in jail for that? if i was BritBrit i would be pressing charges (or even her mom and dad should press charges, seeing as that they have conservatorship over pretty much everything in her life)
how does she go from this..

to this..

(above photo courtesy of

I wonder if they make "I blogged about B.S." shirts, cause that would be hella funny and i would totally wear it.


I made a pretty good potatoe soup the other night, which is saying ALOT for me considering my cooking skills. I can make a few decent things as long as they aren't too complicated, and they do taste pretty good. The only thing that i have yet to master (or even come close to for that matter) is meatloaf, yes, i said MEATLOAF. I loved the meatloaf my mom used to make and i have the recipie, i just simply CANNOT duplicate the results! i've tried 3+ times, and for some reason, the meatloaf never cooks all the way, it's always goo-ey. I have no idea why, it baffles me. so i have stopped trying to make it.
When i do try a recipie and it turns out good, it gets added to the menu list and i will make it occasionaly. Of course if it's even remotely good the kids will turn their noses up to it and demand either peanut butter sandwhiches or corndogs.
Speaking of kids, my husband is probably the worlds pickiest eaters! no kidding! i don't think i have made anything yet that he will eat (but then again, i haven't found that 'hotdog casserole recipe yet) ha! I KID, I KID!!
I really do enjoy cooking, only it's really hard when i have both the kids interupting me and i end up getting distracted because i'm screaming at chase who is screaming at ethan who was screaming at chase who was.. oh crap, what's that smell?! oh well..i guess it's hotdogs and mac n cheese for dinner

superficial colorings..

for those of you who are wondering, my hair color is Herbal Essence box #44 Paint the town - Deep red.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Happenings of today

Today I actually rode the bike in the parking lot of lowes, I was all psyched up and then i actually started riding. Turns out lowes parking lot isn't that big and i couldn't get up that much speed to actually go through the gears, but i did get to practice my turns. We went back to the neighborhood and dave took me out around the streets and i was actually able to make it up to 3rd gear! woot for me! i only stalled once too! got to take some turns, do some stop signs, interact with some 'real' traffic, so it turned out to be a pleasant experience for only my 2nd time really on the bike. I will admit that i do need alot more practice until things start becoming 2nd nature to me, but i'm confident that i will get there.
Now on to some fashionista type talk. I got my awesome helmet that matches the bike, i even found some black and red gloves too. The next thing i need is a jacket, i found the perfect jack that i want, it's the moto bombshell womens jacket by icon, in black. i would also like the chaps (yes, i said CHAPS) but thats a whole 'nother The jacket is 500 bucks though, a little steep for the price that i want to pay at this point, but i know that a jacket is a good investment. My main goal is to get the icon moto bombshell helmet (of course, it matches the jacket!) but being a 300$ helmet, i think i'll wait a while, till my skills match the coolness of my riding gear :)
We are doing an FRC night again this friday, and we are also celebrating amanda's birthday! (Happy b-day Amanda!!) so I am really looking forward to that!
And also, can you believe that i'm actually making money off my blog? whenever someone clicks on the google ads i have up, i make money. Some people doubted me at first, saying that there was either no way that people would click on them, or that the payout would be really low. but they were wrong! woot for making money!
btw.. WOOT is a pretty neat woot woot!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

On being "skinny"

I was always a 'pudgy' little girl, ever since i was little until about my freshman/sophmore year of high school. I never cared much about my weight, I ate when I was hungry and didn't care about what anyone else thought of me.
Then I got skinny (not by trying, my 'babyfat' just wore off I guess..) and I still ate when I was hungry and didn't care what people thought. No one really commented or cared and that was just fine with me.
Now, on to after I've gotten married and had 2 kids, apparently i'm supposed to be fat, because everyone and their mother thinks it's ok to comment on my weight. Seriously, I've been the same height and weight since my junior year of HIGH SCHOOL. I get that some peoples metabolism slows down as they get older/have kids, but I am one of the lucky few that hasn't happened to (yet!). I still eat when i'm hungry, hey, I even eat sometimes when i'm NOT hungry, I don't excersice that often (unless you count cleaning house and taking care of the kids excersicing). Just like everyone else, I do gain an extra 5-10lbs during the holidays, cause I eat extra sweets and extra meals wherever I go, but by january/feb i'm back to my normal weight because I don't continue to overindulge.
What i'm saying here is that yes, I am one of the lucky few that is naturally skinny without having to work at it, and that's just the thing, people comment on my weight like it's something that I have worked to achieve and that is BAD.
It's gotten to the point where if I know that I am going out to eat for dinner, I will eat a small lunch that way I can eat something big, because I KNOW if i eat a normal lunch, and go out to eat, the portions are so big, I will usually only eat half, and then who ever i'm with will say something about me not eating and my weight.
I don't eat that many healthy things either, so far I have had pizza for dinner last night, pizza for breakfast, and guess what i had for lunch? yup, some nice hot greasy fattening pizza. and i have a half a twix bar calling my name right in front of me too.
You know what I do with popcorn? I pop it in the microwave, put it in a bowl, melt some butter in a cup and pour the butter all over the popcorn till it shrivles up and then i eat the popcorn with a spoon, it's like a heart attack in a bowl, cause isn't that what all anorexic chicks do?!

Monday, January 28, 2008

The new face of FRC

So it's been decided that we are going to add a bunch of stuff to the FRC. We are going to reach out and help our community and try to teach young women what being women is really about!
Being a woman mean shaving legs (well not for all..). It means talking to friends. It means nights out on the town. For some it will mean weddings and baby shower. That's not all being a woman really means though, when you think back in the time, what was the womens main role? I would have to say Teaching (most would say child-rearing, but that is basically teaching). Teaching to me is showing others how to respond to compasion, how to be compasionate to others, showing what life is really about and how we as a community have to rely on eachother.
So much today you see none of that anymore, you see women role models to self absorbed 'doing their own thing' and not paying attention to who really looks up to them. You see women in the media not caring what kind of example they are setting (and not only the should see some of the girls that walk around pensacola at night!).
The FRC is working to change that, we are going to be out and about rasing money for charity, getting our name in the paper to get known that we are a group of girls that actually LOVE instead of HATE, we HELP instead of HINDER and most importantly we will show by example that women and girls should aspire to be what they want in life instead of what is expected!
Women need to be there for eachother, not against eachother!

Happiest day!

soooo, i got my MOTORCYCLE!!!
for real! i got my kawasaki ninja 250!!
it's the 2007 model and i only paid two thousand for it! (awesome deal right?!) i would have paid 2999 at the dealership last year. the bike is in mint condition too, it's silver with red flame decals.. why am i even bothering to explain it, cause you KNOW my ass already got pics of me on it!!


there are really no words as to expain how happy i am right now! i think if i tried to think of any, my head will explode.
i'll give you some major kudos if you can tell me what is funny about this pic!

Rainy days are the worst!

So it's been raining for the past 3 day, and for real, it sucks. I have no motivation to do anything, just lay around the house and play with the kids. At least i got one load of laundry done (but is it really done if it's still in the dryer?)
Income tax comes in tomorow, but it will be gone as soon as we get it, bills and all. Then we can start saving up for 3 things, the cruise, MY motorcycle and the riders class.
I think i already said what bike i wanted (the kawasaki ninja 250), and that bike is soo perfect for me because the seat height is only 29.3 inches, so i'll actually be able to touch the ground! The only problem i'm going to have is deciding between red with silver decals, or silver with red decals. If i had the choice i would rather have the whole black one, but when we looked at the dealer, they only had the red and grey ones.
We are selling gregs mustang to get a good start on the saving for my bike, maybe we'll be able to put that money into a high yeild account and let it grow a lil, i'll have to check into that.
I'm a bit apprehensive about figuring out the clutch on a bike, dave said that once i learn it, it will be second nature, but i'm still a little scared. I guess that's what the rider course is for, huh?!
The cruise that we are saving up for is only 600 bucks! how awesome is that?! and it's going to be kid free for us! It's 5 days long and we are going to calica and cozumel! a bunch of us are going for dianes birthday, we are going to freakin own that boat cause of all the people going! i'm super excited and can't wait, but it's not until december!! that's like FOREVER in Tiffi time!
So i'm still looking for a part time job, either that or someones kid to babysit for $$. I don't really get along with too many people, so a place that is nice and quiet with not alot of people around would be perfect for me.

To New Friends

People say ~*BFF*~ or *F4F*, or whatever you used to say in middle school for best friends forever/for life.. and while were saying it, it really does mean that we'll be friends forever, but what no one tells you that when you grow up that phrase turns into
Best friens forever, until we grow apart or Best friends forever, until we have families and can't find the time. Best friends forever, until we have a falling out and you won't talk about it. Best friends forever, until you move away. Best friends forever, until you get a boyfriend.
That phrase is very overated and sometimes i wish i have never learned it because it put the idea that friend will be around forever. and that statement is just so not true.
Over the years that i have moved around, i've had a ton of BFF's, and i've only really kept in contact with 4 of them (ily sarah, anne, debbie and chrissy!)
but to the other BFF's they were just passing through and i've attempted to reconcile with them, but they are just the ones that are content to drop people out of their lives. which is fine by me, but damn i hate making new friends.

i'll let you in on a little secret, i'm a bitch by nature.. i'm not saying that because i have the mentality, the truth is that i don't really have that 'mentality', i try to be a nice person, but to most, i've told i've come off as a bitch. so it's very hard for me to make friends, even though i genuinely try, most people just don't get me.
Now on to my reason for my post, to new friends.

I'm starting to make new friends, which is awesome! because they are the same as me, and i'm not considered the 'bitchy' one (well, not all the time, and not without REASON!!) lol.

so heres to my BFF's that stayed through thick and thin
the temporary ones that left high and dry
and to the new ones that care enough not to care!

I <3 Motorcycles!


We bought a motorcycle! Freakin awesome right?! it's a yamaha fzr1000. We still have yet to take the new riders course, but we should be signing up for it here shortly (maybe Febuary?). Until then, my roomate dave will be teaching me the ins and outs of the bike (ie: where the clutch is, how to brake, accelerate..) since the only thing i know about bikes is that there are handlebars, 2 wheels, a gas tank and a seat! lol

I'm so freaking excited! so once i learn how to ride the bike and take the riders course, i plan on buying a kawasaki ninja 250. yes, alot smaller than the yamaha, but perfect fit and size for me since i am really small. So i either have to get a part time job, or hope i can earn a bit of money doing my whole blogging/website thing. I'm hoping for the latter.

Why I love Craig Ferguson

this is why i LOVE craig ferguson!!

The Histor-E- of the FRC

FRC is Freedom Rocker Chicks. Started by Diana, the FRC is just a group of select women doing whatever the f*ck they want!We either meet at dianes house and hang out, or we go out and have fun.Our most recently frequented establishment has been Chans, which is a pretty awesome bar, with a pretty awesome band, and some pretty awesome people.and so here is what we do on an FRC night..

we get our group togetherwe talk about people

we wonder what goes on in lindsey's pretty little head!

of course we all 'shut the f*ck up and eat your melba toast!"

we crack ourselves up

we shake our booties

we clap our hands

but we don't turn heads, we break necks!

and congrats Amanda, the newest member of the FRC!!

Happy New Year!!

So i'd like to say happy new year and welcome to my brand new blog and say that i hope this is the begining of my new years resolution.According to the top 5 new year resolution are 1. get out of debt/save money 2. lose weight 3. exercise/eat healthy 4. get organized and 5. develop a new skill or talent.How many of those have you made in the past couple of years? Chances are at least one, I am pleased to say that I only have one this year, which I am hoping it will be easier to accomplish than 5!My new years resolution is to be a happier person. There are many ways I can accomplish this, and what makes it so great is that it's not a set list and there will be no 'failure', so even if I do one thing to make me happier, I will have succeded! Isn't that what new years resolutions are all about?!Don't get me wrong, there are things that I would love to achieve this year, but i'm not going to beat myself up over it.I would like to get a job, not only to earn money (which is another post in itself!) but to also get back out into the world after being a stay at home mom for the past 4 years.I would also like to do some home improvements. We just bought our house in 2006 and all we have done is paint paint paint! lol. Thats fine and dandy and all but theres only so much you can do with that! The first project i would love to cross off the list is getting our driveway and patio cement repoured.One last thing that I would like to achieve/work on this year is my uptightness and seriousness. I need to lay back a little and let loose. so in summary, this year, i'm going to do things to make me happier!