Monday, January 28, 2008

The new face of FRC

So it's been decided that we are going to add a bunch of stuff to the FRC. We are going to reach out and help our community and try to teach young women what being women is really about!
Being a woman mean shaving legs (well not for all..). It means talking to friends. It means nights out on the town. For some it will mean weddings and baby shower. That's not all being a woman really means though, when you think back in the time, what was the womens main role? I would have to say Teaching (most would say child-rearing, but that is basically teaching). Teaching to me is showing others how to respond to compasion, how to be compasionate to others, showing what life is really about and how we as a community have to rely on eachother.
So much today you see none of that anymore, you see women role models to self absorbed 'doing their own thing' and not paying attention to who really looks up to them. You see women in the media not caring what kind of example they are setting (and not only the should see some of the girls that walk around pensacola at night!).
The FRC is working to change that, we are going to be out and about rasing money for charity, getting our name in the paper to get known that we are a group of girls that actually LOVE instead of HATE, we HELP instead of HINDER and most importantly we will show by example that women and girls should aspire to be what they want in life instead of what is expected!
Women need to be there for eachother, not against eachother!

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