Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Sad Day..

Today is an unexpectedly sad day. The mustang has been sold! I didn't think I would have any emotion other than "yay, that honkin piece of car is out of the yard!", but seeing it being driven down the road by someone other than greg makes me a little sad. That was the car that I first saw greg in, and thats what car he was in when he first saw me. We spend numerous hours in the mustang just driving around, having fun, and other things. I can't really express how i feel now that it's gone, it's kind of nostalgic, but i know that we will make new memories on the motorcycles, and that we're just begining a new chapter of our lives (vehicle-wise).
I know greg is a little sad too, but he has about 500lbs of consolation between his legs everyday to and from work! haha!
But on the upside, we get to park the bikes in the carport now!! woot woot!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The motorcycle Permit Test

Greg got to take the motorcycle permit test a couple weeks ago, and he failed the first time, but passed the second. I was supposed to get mine this past monday, but ended up getting it on wednsday instead. I figured it would take me 2-3 tries to get it since greg had to do it twice, it would take me more times to get it (cause we all know i'm not the brightest crayon in the box), so i got the book and read it front to back and did all the test questions. i felt fairly confident, but wasn't expected to do extremely well.
I had my appointment at 2, I got there at 1:30 and I totally ROCKED the test! i passed on my first try, and did it under ten minutes! i was actually out of the dmv before my appointment time! how freakin awesome?! i didn't have to pay the 5 bucks either! so that was my boost of confidence for the day.
so watch out everyone, tiff's on the road with a crotch rocket!! lol

on a crappier Chase is sick and puked all over my couch yesterday! yea, that was some major fun cleaning that up! He is alot more cuddlier when he's sick, so we layed on the floor almost all day and just watched cartoons and snuggled. The only bad thing about him being sick is he is sooo freakin whinny! i guess he really does take after me. :)

Seriously, this is FLORIDA, so WHY is it so freakin cold?! screw global warming, it's not real, it's FREEZING!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

for those celebratards..

WTH is wrong with britney spears?!
so she was admited to the hospital and then was released in less than a week, which is great that she got SOME help, i just think she needs MORE. and speaking of 'help', her pimp/manager/drug dealer friend 'osama' has admited to giving her prescription 'cocktail' drugs! shouldn't he be in jail for that? if i was BritBrit i would be pressing charges (or even her mom and dad should press charges, seeing as that they have conservatorship over pretty much everything in her life)
how does she go from this..

to this..

(above photo courtesy of

I wonder if they make "I blogged about B.S." shirts, cause that would be hella funny and i would totally wear it.


I made a pretty good potatoe soup the other night, which is saying ALOT for me considering my cooking skills. I can make a few decent things as long as they aren't too complicated, and they do taste pretty good. The only thing that i have yet to master (or even come close to for that matter) is meatloaf, yes, i said MEATLOAF. I loved the meatloaf my mom used to make and i have the recipie, i just simply CANNOT duplicate the results! i've tried 3+ times, and for some reason, the meatloaf never cooks all the way, it's always goo-ey. I have no idea why, it baffles me. so i have stopped trying to make it.
When i do try a recipie and it turns out good, it gets added to the menu list and i will make it occasionaly. Of course if it's even remotely good the kids will turn their noses up to it and demand either peanut butter sandwhiches or corndogs.
Speaking of kids, my husband is probably the worlds pickiest eaters! no kidding! i don't think i have made anything yet that he will eat (but then again, i haven't found that 'hotdog casserole recipe yet) ha! I KID, I KID!!
I really do enjoy cooking, only it's really hard when i have both the kids interupting me and i end up getting distracted because i'm screaming at chase who is screaming at ethan who was screaming at chase who was.. oh crap, what's that smell?! oh well..i guess it's hotdogs and mac n cheese for dinner

superficial colorings..

for those of you who are wondering, my hair color is Herbal Essence box #44 Paint the town - Deep red.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Happenings of today

Today I actually rode the bike in the parking lot of lowes, I was all psyched up and then i actually started riding. Turns out lowes parking lot isn't that big and i couldn't get up that much speed to actually go through the gears, but i did get to practice my turns. We went back to the neighborhood and dave took me out around the streets and i was actually able to make it up to 3rd gear! woot for me! i only stalled once too! got to take some turns, do some stop signs, interact with some 'real' traffic, so it turned out to be a pleasant experience for only my 2nd time really on the bike. I will admit that i do need alot more practice until things start becoming 2nd nature to me, but i'm confident that i will get there.
Now on to some fashionista type talk. I got my awesome helmet that matches the bike, i even found some black and red gloves too. The next thing i need is a jacket, i found the perfect jack that i want, it's the moto bombshell womens jacket by icon, in black. i would also like the chaps (yes, i said CHAPS) but thats a whole 'nother The jacket is 500 bucks though, a little steep for the price that i want to pay at this point, but i know that a jacket is a good investment. My main goal is to get the icon moto bombshell helmet (of course, it matches the jacket!) but being a 300$ helmet, i think i'll wait a while, till my skills match the coolness of my riding gear :)
We are doing an FRC night again this friday, and we are also celebrating amanda's birthday! (Happy b-day Amanda!!) so I am really looking forward to that!
And also, can you believe that i'm actually making money off my blog? whenever someone clicks on the google ads i have up, i make money. Some people doubted me at first, saying that there was either no way that people would click on them, or that the payout would be really low. but they were wrong! woot for making money!
btw.. WOOT is a pretty neat woot woot!